Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Dell introduce SonicOS 6.2.5

             Dell introduce SonicOS 6.2.5

INtroduction:Security Dell today launched the new operating system to boost online SonicWALL, Sonic 6.2.5. The latest update is centered around jobs easier management, while safe speed. Extend security update for Dell switches, wireless access points and your skills and also associated with encrypted traffic inspection time. Sonic 6.2.5 certification meets the strict US Department of Defense.

The latest update makes management easier for many of the products SonicWALL firmware version implemented. Simplify new update also all distributed enterprises and managed service providers, network management central management of distribution networks with converged network switch Dingle X-Series SonicWALL TZ Series and SonicWALL management system of international sanctions. Sonic also increases occur increases link encryption, reporting strong encryption and authentication support the government of Premier expand security applications. Dell confirms improved performance security show flexibility and security updates for free.

But also:

The new Dell Networking X-Series switches Integration: Organizations can now effectively Dell X-Series switches as an extension of the firewall layer functionality Dell SonicWALL TZ, manage single pane of glass network infrastructure and SonicWALL TZ manage X-series switches Dell SonicWALL points and SonicWALL WAN acceleration devices. 

Dell SonicWALL TZ Series provides integration with Dell Networking switches X-Series security and extensibility can, without the burden of additional management console to increase the complexity, overhead and to eliminate the potential for misconfiguration issues and failure.

DPI improvements SSL: SSL sonic improvements multiple forms complete dpi DPI SSL traffic VI.2.5 economy and better trouble shooting, measuring high and offer great support certificate. Key improvements include:

SBC Connections category based on inclusion / exclusion encrypted economic standards compliance source HIPPA
Closer exception verification TLS 1.2, SHA256)
Increase the certification authority standard databases (CA)
Improved difficulty shooting encrypted connection failures
Important exclusion granularity encrypted connection based on alternative domain names
Refresh configuration GUI easy to use link encryption processing,


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