Monday, May 9, 2016

Italian textile machineryIntroducing in Iran

Italian textile machinery Introducing in Iran

INtroduction: Total of 26 Italian textile machinery manufacturers cooperate within other promotional campaign in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the agency,' trade organization and support of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. The phaseout of international sanctions to allow trade in textile machinery in Italy and regain market share lost in recent years;

revolves textile machinery can Iran be based on two possible, and even thirty and a total of twenty-six manufacturers Italian ('members ACIMIT twenty p related' to collaborate on the same series of seminars technology scheduled several major cities Tehran, Yazd, Isfahan and Mashhad;. 

This task, the Agency Italy and ACIMIT Commerce, Italian Society Organisation Textile Machinery and supported by the Ministry for Economic Development and empowerment of manufacturers of textiles Iranian information to live with some producers of machinery primary textile in Italy, and to identify solutions before all update thing for the various steps associated with the method of production of textiles.;

In recent years, slowed international sanctions the process of updating the Internal trading needed to remain competitive in the same context of international, says Sylvia Karabulla, president of the ACIMIT In 2004, the Iranian hierarchy among top 10 markets for Italian exports in the sector. after years of deep recession, our business has begun doing business in Iran so consistently. I am sure that the promotional campaign is taking to allow the state in North America for lost time.;

In 2015, total exports to Iran Italy € 8,000,000. And is convinced the Iranian demand for all types of production, but finishing machines and spinning primary export Italian;

Industry textile machinery Italy is a world leader in technology planning level," says the president of ACIMIT. Now, we risk returning to the market, including the tradition of a nice, more successfully than in the past and perspectives amazing terribly. This is also thanks to the support of the Ministry of Economic Development Authority Trade Italian, our industry assume the role of a strategic partner in the Iranian textile trade;


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